Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Corning, NY

We drove out to Corning today to see the glass museum. I've been before but it has changed quite a bit since the last time went. It was very nice to be in a museum / gallery again. I think it is the first time we've been to one since we had Ren. But Even then we end up wondering how long his temper will last and we will have to make a dash for the outdoors. There was this nice piece for example which I was able to photograph but not look long enough to learn it's title or creator. I like it. I wanted to go to the studios too but the drive was long and Ren was needing some play in the grass time so it was out of the question. He was so well behaved on the way there and back and didn't fuss too much while we were there either but I could tell he wasn't enjoying it like he did, say the Newport aquarium. Posted by Picasa

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